Chemical Plant Protection Products

Kompak LLC is the official dealer of most domestic and foreign producers of pesticides.
Kompak Group has been supplying plant protection products in the Udmurt Republic since 2000. Today we offer a huge range of agents. We are the official dealer of most domestic and foreign pesticide producers.

You will find SSPP for processing of any agricultural crops grown in the territory of the Udmurt Republic:

- Herbicides;
- Insecticides and acaricides;
- Fungicides;
- Rodenticides and moluscocides.
Our partners:
Our specialists will help you in the proper selection of the necessary agent for you, as well as calculate the processing time and consumption rates for a particular crop.
Alexander Lebedev
District Case Manager:
Kiyasovsky, Mozhginsky, Grakhovsky, Kiznersky, Alnashsky
Alexey Gayazov
District Case Manager:
Glazovsky, Yukamensky, Krasnogorsky, Balezinsky, Igrinsky, Yarsky
Maksim Bekmemetyev
District Case Manager:
Kez, Debessky, Igrinsky, Krasnogorsky
Alexey Trefilov

District Case Manager:
Syumsinsky, Seltinsky, Yakshur-Bodinsky, Zavyalovsky
Valery Trefilov
District Case Manager:
Votkinsky, Kezsky, Debessky, Sharkansky
Vasily Verkhoturov

District Case Manager:
Uvinsky, Mozhginsky
Inna Dmitrieva
Phone: 8 922 500 96 66
Perm Kray
Maxim Vlasov
Phone: 8 912 851 57 51
Kirov Region